Aloha from.............

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


So I never thought I'd be doing something this computery. new word, it will eventually find itself into a dictionary.
I realize the Aloha bit is a tad premature but I'm trying to get myself used to the idea that I'll soon be flying over an ocean. Laugh all you want Edie (she and I already had this conversation). I've already started the moving process, as far as the military goes. I have appointments all week trying to set up for the move. Shipping our cars and other stuff, mending wills and trying to find housing in Hawaii. None of this is a simple task. I'm convinced the first class all military personnel are required to take is "How to make it as difficlut as possible 101". Atleast that's how they make it seem. We've also been spending lots of time at the park, per the picture, and preparing for a big garage sale. Let me rephrase that...I'm doing all of these things. Guess that's what I signed up for.
I'm really looking forward to leaving California, although we more than likley can't afford to live near the beach in Oahu. Well, I have some things to do around the house before Gus Gus wakes up.

Sure hope I'm doing this thing right. Writing all this out for nothing would be a pisser.


Blogger Edie Guess said...

You are so funny. I am so glad you are a blogger now. We officially welcome you and look forward to keeping up with you in a more computery way.

3:17 PM  
Blogger Edie Guess said...

I'm gonna call you - i just haven't been home for any length of time lately. I planned on it today and then all these things came up and I never made it home. Look for me in the next few days.

8:17 PM  

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